SINTERCAFE, founded in 1987, is a non-profit organization whose main objective is the promotion of Costa Rica’s outstanding coffee.

SINTERCAFE- International Coffee Week – is an annual event recognized worldwide which incorporates both sides of the coffee value chain. Each November Costa Rica becomes the meeting place for key decision makers from the most important coffee companies in the world.
The best coffee event
Without a doubt Sintercafe is the most advantageous and best attended coffee event taking place in a coffee producing nation. Each year more than 500 participants come to Sintercafe pursuing the opportunity to exchange information, share their experiences, and interact with the world’s top-notch coffee community in order to strengthen coffee commerce globally.
35 years
promoting Costa Rica’s outstanding coffee.
30 different countries participate every year.
More than 500 coffee experts join Sintercafé each November.
Board of Directors
- Arnoldo Leiva Pacheco
President - Peter Sachs Schroeder
Vice President - Rafael Hernández Osti
Treasurer - Eric Thormaehlen Hanke
Secretary - Ricardo Seevers Federspiel
Vocal 1 - Juan Diego Araya
Vocal 2 - Carlos Lizano Gallardo
Vocal 3 - Ricardo Herrera
Vocal 4 - Guillermo Trejos
Vocal 5 - Harry Odio
Vocal Surrogate - Francois Castells
- The Coffee Source
- Ricardo Seevers
- Café Capris (Volcafe)
- Coricafe
- Cafetalera Internacional Cafinter (Ecom)
- Coopedota
- Juan Viñas
- Café Noble
- SYTC Sustainable Trading Company
- Expocert
- Cafecoop
- Markus Fisher
- Enrico Gaehwiler
- Beneficios Volcafe
- Exportadora del Valle S.A.
- Beneficiadora Santa Eduviges
- Coopelibertad RL
- Coopetarrazú
- Cafetalera Tierras Ticas
- Santa Laura Exportadora de Café
- Coopronaranjo
- Cafetalera Aquiares
Administrative Team
- Noelia Villalobos
Executive Director - Leire Sarriugarte
Event Coordinator