For over 40 years Delta Technology Corporation has been at the forefront of technology, manufacture and worldwide distribution of electronic color sorters for the coffee industry.
As an industry leader we have accumulated considerable knowledge and experience which have been applied for the benefit of green coffee processors and marketers around the world.
We continue to offer rugged, advanced technology equipment and we are proud about the success obtained by the excellent performance of our new color sorters for washed & natural Arabica coffees, series TCS – Total Color Sorter – . This new generation of sorters are the most productive, efficient and economical sorters that have been introduced in the market, and are available in modules of one to seven trays, 63 to 441 channels of high production, precision and efficiency.
These sorters are fully automatic, user friendly and require minimal operator supervision and minimal maintenance cost. Machines come with latest technology features: a large full color “touch screen” with our new invention Intelli-Max – an artificial intelligence operating system with automatic color defect recognition which reduces human error when calibrating for difficult color coffee deffects, a latest generation ARM Processor, full color RGB high definition CCD cameras with dual viewing of product front and back on each tray and powerful LED illumination. Our cameras and proprietary algorithms detect all types of defective beans such as blacks, partial blacks, bleached, yellow and red sour beans and foreign matter.
Decades of knowledge and an innovative spirit combined with a team of highly trained and specialized people in the coffee industry to assist you and to provide cost effective solutions for your sorting & quality needs.
Contact Delta Technology or our nearest representative.
- Telephone: + 1 (713) 464-7407
- Email: info@deltatechnology.com
- Web: www.deltatechnology.com