Next Generation SINTERCAFE is an initiative that seeks to bring together the new generations of the coffee industry in countries of origin in the Central American region under the support of Sintercafé.
The main objective is to offer the new generations of the industry a source of information, contacts and professional growth, both on the producer and buyer side.
In addition, Next Gen SINTERCAFE will seek to create ties with the European and US chapters in order to create a network for the transfer of information and commercial relationships.
For more information you can write to [email protected]
The NEXT GEN SINTERCAFE ORIGEN chapter will be a group of people that will be able to identify those representatives from the region that have the potential to be leaders within the coffee industry in countries of origin and the Central American region, including Mexico and Panama.
We will encourage this community to participate more actively in SINTERCAFE and other educational and leadership events, in order to provide the industry with people prepared to lead the future of the industry.
This council will be responsible for setting the strategic direction of the council and the group in general, and will work closely with Sintercafé’s Board of Directors. It will consist of a president, vice president and 5 members, with the idea of having representation from all countries in the Central American region, Mexico and Panama. **
**The council must have a permanent member of Sintercafe’s Board of Directors. This will be elected by the Sintercafe Board members.
This council may invite other next gen members to serve on committees to help develop the established strategic plan.
How to apply to be part of the NEXT GEN SINTERCAFE ORIGEN Council
- Submit a letter of commitment from a manager of the company where you work, stating that you have permission to attend the annual Next Gen Council meeting at Sintercafé.
- Provide a resume and cover letter (The cover letter explains why the applicant is applying and how he or she can contribute).
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a manager.
- Served at least one year on a board committee. (This criterion does not apply to the 1st Council being formed this year).
- Term limits for leadership roles are set at two years with no option for re-election.
The Council

María Paz Lobo
Costa Rica, Sustainability Manager, The Coffee Source

Daniel Montenegro
Vice President
Guatemala, General Manager, Dinámica Coffee

Karla Boza
El Salvador, Catadora

Basilio Fuschich
Honduras, Green Coffee Trader, Honducafe

Chino Lizano
Costa Rica, Green Coffee Trader, Panamerican Coffee Trading

María Rene Morales
Guatemala, General Manager, Volcafe

Diego Robelo
Costa Rica, CEO, Aquiares Estate