SINTERCAFE, in full compliance with the Law for the Protection of Persons against the Processing of their Personal Data 8968, will keep sensitive information encrypted. It will not have responsibility in the cases of opening of the users to third parties of this information.
For cut off purposes, the date of registration will be the official date of inscription.
Your confirmation to the event and selected activities will be sent via e-mail by the Sintercafe organizers in approximately 5 business days. Your badge will contain your name and the name of your company as you wrote them on the registration form.
The Delegate category includes:
- Welcome bag
- Participation in all event activities (conferences, social activities, workshops, lunches, coffee breaks and access to the exhibit hall).
- Simultaneous interpretation (English-Spanish).
- Inclusion on the official list of meeting participants.
- Transportation to and from social activities.
Registration depends on your place of work, not your nationality.
The Companion category cannot be used by industry members.
This category includes:
- Participation in social events, lunches, coffee breaks and access to the exhibit hall.
This category does not include:
- Admission to conferences and workshops.
Form of payment: Registration fees can be paid:
Credit Cards: VISA, Master Card, and American Express through payment gateway Bac credomatic.
Important Note: Registration will be confirmed once payment is accredited.
Cancellations: All cancellations must be sent in writing to [email protected] prior to October 17th. Cancellations will be subject to a $90.00 administrative expense fee. We will be glad to help with changes or additions to activities.
Reimbursements: Sintercafé will make no reimbursements after October 17th. After this date, participants may transfer their reservations to persons from the same company.
Roll overs will be awarded only in cases of unforeseeable circumstances, not every registration is suitable for a roll over.
When you register for the event, we ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, email address, phone number, credit/payment card details, and optional additional information such as companion name and additional services. We will use this information for the following purposes:
- Register for the event
- Confirm your registration to the event
- Send information from the event
Your personal information will NOT be used for sale, shared with third parties or stored in an external database. Your information is 100% confidential and used exclusively for the conditions mentioned above.
Also as mentioned, all sensitive information is encrypted.
Sintercafé uses the latest safety technologies to offer a safe and secure experience. Our website has a SSL certificate installed (SHA-256 with RSA Encryption) of Let’s Encrypt, a global issuer firm.
SINTERCAFE records audio/video and takes photos of its work and those involved in it for the purpose of using these assets to communicate the organization’s mission. Any assets collected via SINTERCAFE may be used to produce content for presentations, print publication, web publication, social media, and more.
Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now and in the future, I hereby and perpetually provide my consent to SINTERCAFE, its affiliates, and agents, to use and publish my image, likeness, and/or any statements from me in its communications, media, and marketing content as specified above. This consent includes, but is not limited to:
- Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice.
- Permission to use my name/title/affiliation in such materials.
- Permission to use quotes from any interview, film, photograph, tape, or reproduction of me and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in its communications/media/advertising content, whether it be in print, on television, on radio, or in electronic media.
I agree that all assets collected and any reproduction will remain the property of SINTERCAFE and the organization may use it as it sees fit.